Xiao Ying's Blog

I have been with Love 97.2FM for 2yrs and before that I work for mediacorp TV as a host and drama actress for quite some time. A lot of people wonder where i went... well, I am "in" Radio now. Hope this blog will give us a chance to know each other in depth...

Monday, October 30, 2006

Sasha and her bear...

now work very late so when i get home, this little princess always do the some thing.... beauty sleep :)


Blogger DJ Kevin said...

Aiyo.. ur doggie is so cute !!

I want !!

11:31 AM, October 31, 2006  
Blogger YW said...

xiao ying: yr doggie so cute one sleep on a stuff toy!! hhaaaa..but i dunno y from young i'm very scare of big dog esp when it comes near me!!!

Jus wanna ask u: when u not at home, do u tie up yr doggie??? How often u bring them go walk walk? tks :)

8:35 PM, October 31, 2006  
Blogger Xiao Ying said...

hi yw,

i dont tie them up.... they can move around at home but at night, they have to sleep in the kichen coz my son loves to sleep on my couch which it's not leather :( if he sleep on the couch then the hair will be all over my fabric.

7:13 PM, November 03, 2006  
Blogger Xiao Ying said...

have have alot more of my babies' photo, will slowly show you :)

7:31 PM, November 03, 2006  
Blogger YW said...

xiao ying: tks for yr reply.will wait for more of yr doggie photo:)

xiao ying: i wld suggest for yr posting of comments, u open to anyone coz some listeners may not have a blogger account to sign in so they can't post a comment for u.

to do that, you go to:
1. www. blogger.com/home
2. sign in yr user name & password
3. go to: change settings
4. go to: who can comment and click at: anyone
5. go right to the bottom of the page and click at the: save settings.

maybe sound a bit confusing, but u can try, if can't den ask yr shifu Dejiang :)

8:39 PM, November 03, 2006  
Blogger YW said...

xiao ying: i drafted the whole guideline for u and tried email to yr email add: djxiaoying@yahoo.com.sg but failed to send thru..sorry :)

9:16 PM, November 03, 2006  
Blogger Xiao Ying said...

yw, i am so touched :) i know how to do the setting now, thank you. if i am not wrong i use the setting to change the time also :)

2:31 AM, November 04, 2006  
Blogger YW said...

xiao ying: yes, u r right! the setting can also be used to change the time too :)

if yr "who can comment" setting change to "anyone", i believe more people can post their comments for u coz i read at dejiang's blog got 1 listener tried to post a comment for u but yr blog does not allow anonymous comments so tat person can't post d comment at yr blog :)

5:01 PM, November 04, 2006  
Blogger DJ Xiao Ying said...

guys... i have new blog... coz can't get the old one back.



12:19 AM, November 18, 2006  

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