Xiao Ying's Blog

I have been with Love 97.2FM for 2yrs and before that I work for mediacorp TV as a host and drama actress for quite some time. A lot of people wonder where i went... well, I am "in" Radio now. Hope this blog will give us a chance to know each other in depth...

Saturday, October 21, 2006

my son and daugther

I really feel bad that I dont hv time for my son and daugther these days, been busy :( Sometimes when i got home and see their eyes...I know they need their mother to spend time with them.

Hope one day i can meet more parents like me so we can all go out to hv party :) go sentosa swimming...


Blogger Xiao Ying said...

Nancy, i will. I always jia you but guess other people are better than me so... i keep jia you jia you... hope one day i can taste the fruits :p

11:17 PM, November 05, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey,i thought you really have a son and daugther.... i didn't know that it was two doggies... haha =)

10:57 AM, November 09, 2006  

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