Xiao Ying's Blog

I have been with Love 97.2FM for 2yrs and before that I work for mediacorp TV as a host and drama actress for quite some time. A lot of people wonder where i went... well, I am "in" Radio now. Hope this blog will give us a chance to know each other in depth...

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


I think nowsadays I really dont have the feeling for holidays. Coz hv to work :(

although i feel very tired but sometimes think of those who want to work but didnt give the chance to... i will work harder :)

How's your holiday so far?


Blogger L-5 said...

Want to see the photos of 陈建彬 n u at White Sands in August, come to my blog...

9:27 PM, October 24, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

嘿.. 你好唷.. 可以給我你的電郵地址嗎?

11:48 PM, October 24, 2006  
Blogger Richard said...

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12:06 AM, October 27, 2006  
Blogger Richard said...

Hello Xiao Ying, can u tell me the song title & singer(Male) that u've play today(26Oct) at 5.33pm(最爱双櫻响) there was some Hokkien words one leh....谢谢你。

12:07 AM, October 27, 2006  
Blogger Xiao Ying said...

haha... i also notice the time is wrong but dont know how to change... have to ask my shifu DeJiang to help me to change :)

11:57 PM, October 30, 2006  
Blogger Xiao Ying said...

my email: djxiaoying@yahoo.com.sg

drop me something leh but hor... give me some time to reply ok?

11:58 PM, October 30, 2006  
Blogger Xiao Ying said...

hi richard,

i am so sorry... i remember your request but really can get to access to MY computer so didnt get the answer for you sooner :(

the song is from Alex To 杜德伟的"一起看月亮".

hope it's not too late :)

7:27 PM, November 03, 2006  
Blogger Xiao Ying said...

hi everyone, how are you? I took more photos will put them up soon :)

7:28 PM, November 03, 2006  
Blogger Somewhere in Singapore said...

Xiao Ying

want to ask u, which part of Taiwan r u fm?

6:33 PM, November 04, 2006  
Blogger Xiao Ying said...

i am from Taipei. i was born in taipei and glow up there but my father is from Xin zhu, about 1 hour down south from taipei. The mee hoon and gong wan is very famous there :)

1:21 AM, November 05, 2006  

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